Artistic Journey

Growing up, my brother was a talented artist. He drew portraits of Day of the Dead women, complex and detailed pencil drawings, and even started carving intricate designs onto leather.

My mother was a skilled piano player. I remember waking up in the mornings and hearing her songs playing throughout the house.

My father was crafty with his business, making signs and finding his own way to make things instead of buying them.

I was so jealous. I wanted so badly to be able to convey my artistic expression as well. I was surrounded by artistic expression from the very get go, so why not?

I started out simple. Doodling in my school journals, and grabbing a pack of index cards and making a doodle on one every day.

Then it turned into experimentation. I was in awe of all the choices of art materials that existed and always kept myself up to date on what was coming out next and finding any opportunity to use it.

After rummaging through all these art supplies, I finally found the top 4 that I like to work with most (although, I still like to experiment with something else every now and then) and those are Watercolor, Ink, Gouache, and Digital.

This is where you find me today, working on through to my next piece and bringing a little mysticism and horror to the world. Thanks to my family.

Please feel free to explore my portfolio showcasing mystical and horror artworks that delve into the depths of my imagination.